Buncombe District Attorney's OfficeChristopher Sheridan guilty of child sex crimes; sentenced to 25 years in prison.ASHEVILLE — Christopher Vance Sheridan, 44 of Candler, NC, was found guilty as charged today after a seven-day jury trial in Buncombe…Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
Buncombe District Attorney's OfficeNotice of convictiTony D. King pleaded guilty to Trafficking in Methamphetamine Sept. 6, 2023 and was sentenced to serve 70–93 months in NC prison and pay a…Sep 6, 2023Sep 6, 2023
Buncombe District Attorney's OfficeChristopher Terry Tandy pleaded guilty today to felony class C Assault with a Deadly Weapon with…Aug 29, 2023Aug 29, 2023
Buncombe District Attorney's OfficeDISTRICT ATTORNEY MEDIA RELEASEBUNCOMBE COUNTY August 16, 2023Aug 17, 2023Aug 17, 2023
Buncombe District Attorney's OfficeMission StatementThe mission of the District Attorney’s Office is to seek justice by ensuring that public safety and victims’ rights are our number one…Aug 16, 2023Aug 16, 2023